If you want to send e-mails through an e-mail address with your own domain, make sure that the provider will give you access to their SMTP server. The latter is the software system which permits e-mails to be sent out. SMTP is an abbreviation for Simple Mail Transfer Protocol and it manages all outbound email messages from apps, webmail and contact web forms. Whenever a message is sent out, the SMTP server checks with all the DNS servers globally where the e-mails for the receiving domain are taken care of and as soon as it gets this information, it will connect into the remote POP/IMAP server to find out if the recipient mailbox is out there. In case it does, the SMTP server transmits the email body while the receiving server delivers it to the mail box where the recipient can open it up and read it. Without having a SMTP server on your end, you won't be capable to mail out e-mails in any way.

SMTP Server in Cloud Website Hosting

Being able to access our SMTP server is part of our basic set of services you get as soon as you acquire a cloud website hosting package with us. You will be able to send out e-mails using virtually any email app or device, webmail or an email form on your site. You will find the settings you need inside the Emails part of our Hepsia hosting Control Panel, which comes with all plans. We’ve also prepared detailed tutorials where one can see in details precisely how to set up an email account on your PC or phone as well as some frequent problems and solutions if you are not able to send out e-mails. There's no activation time or anything for you to do, so you'll be able to send emails once you get yourself a web hosting package and you set up an email address with any of your domains.